January Photo: Monticello Fog

After looking back at what an app considered my top photos from last year, I realized the app doesn’t really know my life.

So this year, I’ll be choosing one of my Instagram photos each month that speaks to where I’m at in some way and sharing it here as my own Photo of the Month.


For January, I chose this photo from the foggy day we visited Monticello during our DC and Virginia trip. Phillip and I enjoyed exploring the grounds, and the fog added a layer of romance and mystery.

Also, I find myself drawn to photos with empty seats in them. Maybe when I see this type of image, it makes me feel like there’s a place for me in the space. Maybe I take them (and post them), so you can feel like there’s a place for you in my photos too.

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

People Like Deserts and Dessert

According to the Nine app, these were my best 9 Instagram photos last year.


I don’t know why, but I was a little surprised by the results. While I like these photos and they bring up good memories, it doesn’t feel like they sum up the year or represent the range of things I posted. It’s pretty heavy on the desert scenery.

Of course, the app doesn’t – can’t – measure those things. It just makes a collage of your photos that have the most likes.

What people like, apparently, are hot-climate plants. And whipped-cream-topped waffles.


Location of collage photos (l to r): 1. Silly Mountain Botanical Walk 2. Usery Pass Park 3. My back porch. 4.  Silly Mountain Botanical Walk 5. Cabazon Dinosaurs 6. Usery Pass Park 7. Center for Creative Photography, Tucson 8. Summer of the Waffle party 9. Tucson, before heading up Mount Lemmon

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

Life Crush

life-crush-1-lake2 copy

1. The Mountains

After a very cold winter in the tiny former mining town of Silver Plume, Colorado, the weather finally cleared up enough for Dram Apothecary to open up their patio on a mid-March Saturday.

On Instagram, they post shots of their rustic bakery-turned-cocktail-tasting-room or of things they make – teas, cocktails, syrups – or of founder Shae Whitney foraging for wild herb ingredients. They are near a place called Snowdrift Gulch, which was especially fitting the months that their photos were of white streets, foggy gray skies, and flurries outside the windows.


Then, one weekend, they posted a photo of their (finally) sunny patio and announced they’d planned a party, complete with a DJ spinning super old school tracks from the ’20s, ’30s, and ’40s.

A lot of people thought that sounded like fun (it did!), but one comment jumped out at me: “I want this life.”

It made me wonder what the commenter’s life was like.

So I clicked over to her Instagram feed.


2. The Beach

The want-your-life commenter is somewhere in Southern California. The previous week her car thermometer had said 92 degrees – while snow was still falling on Dram Apothecary.

She posts amusing photos of dogs, she bakes, and she makes really cool-looking cocktails. She posted a photo of a guy on a beach with a surfboard hashtagged something like #myhusbandishotterthanyours.

It doesn’t seem like a bad life.


In fact, in response to one silly shot, where she is pretending to eat an apple right off the tree, someone commented “life crush.”

In other words, this person has a crush on the life of the woman that wants the life of Shae at Dram Apothecary.

So I clicked over to the life crush-er’s feed.


3. The Campground

It was a private account. But there was a link to a photo blog.

There are lots of photos of friends goofing off on camping trips. Lots of campfires and lakes, woods and desert. There is one of a guy with a marshmallow-toasting stick between his teeth. Another one is this big white, fluffy dog laying in the grass.


Her bio lists her location as Los Angeles, but one post is titled “my home is Colorado”.

So these photos have taken us from Colorado to Southern California and back.


4. Where You Live

Each of the women we’ve visited have scenery around them that is beautiful in its own way, time to have fun, and people to share it all with.

I bet you do too. Try imagining you’re a different person in a different place with a different set of ups and downs in your life.

Then flip through your photos, look at the views, the celebrations, the things that made you laugh, the people you love. And get a little jealous of yourself.


Note: All the photos in this post are mine. I haven’t included any from the people I mention or linked to the commenters, because my intention is not to single them out or say they should have a different attitude, but to show how we all have those grass-is-greener moments, even if we have it pretty good. 

In case you’re curious, here’s where the photos above were taken – 1: Nederland, CO 2: Ridgway, CO 3: San Diego, CA 4: Tempe, AZ 5+6: Sierra Vista, AZ 7: Four Corners area 8: Scottsdale, AZ

Minimalist Space Needle

Messing around editing a photo I’d taken of the Space Needle during my Seattle trip, I realized I really liked it in black-and-white and stripped down to a more minimalist form.

So I posted a few of these minimalist black-and-white Space Needle photos on Instagram, including one from the observation deck.

minimalist-space-needle-1 minimalist-space-needle-4


I tend to err on the side of including too much detail, so this was a great exercise in editing and simplicity.


Microblog Mondays: Helping bloggers get over writer’s block since about last September. More on Stirrup Queens.


Each day a GIF

I tried out this free app called GIFmojo that puts the still photos on your camera roll together into animated GIFs.

You might remember seeing a couple of these (one of going under the Golden Gate Bridge and one of our food tour) in my San Francisco trip wrap-up post.

Here’s one of the Bay Bridge.


Don’t remember why I decided to give the app a try, but it was surprisingly addictive.

I GIF’d some photos from our anniversary trip.

Photo Oct 30, 7 19 03 AM



Photo Oct 30, 7 16 31 AM

And some from last month’s CraftHack mask-making project.

It’s like watching the whole event in a few seconds.

Photo Nov 03, 1 03 40 PM

Here’s Anne photobombing Vesna.

Photo Oct 30, 7 21 56 AM



Microblog Mondays: we’re bringing blogging back.